Buy Now. Pay Monthly.
Split big costs into smaller monthly payments with Cherry. Let your money go further and take better control of your cash flow when you pay in installments with Cherry.
Choose from 3, 6, 12, 18, or 24
month payment plans, with 0% APR
for qualifying patients. For example, a $400 payment plan with Cherry may cost $100/month over 3 months at 0% APR with down payment in the amount of monthly payment due at the time of purchase.
0% APR and other promotional rates subject to eligibility.
No hidden costs or fees, and
applying does not impact your
credit score.
What is Cherry?

How to Apply?
Use this unique Cherry application link to qualify online. The application process takes 30 seconds and applying doesn't impact your credit score. pay.withcherry.com/sedaliamedspa
How it Works
Qualify online or inperson
with your state issued ID.
Our application takes
30 seconds and applying doesn’t impact your credit score.
Receive a treatment plan that works for you. Your balance can be used all at once or spread out over multiple visits.
The amount you’re
approved for can only be
used at this location.
Choose whether you
want to pay over 3, 6,
12, 18, or 24 months.
Make your first payment
and gain the confidence
you deserve!